ABC Study: Progress Update
Since its launch in late 2014, over 50,000 participants have fully completed ABC Study enrolment. Altogether 56,348 participants completed the online questionnaire and 51,575 of those provided a DNA sample (from saliva or blood) - THANK YOU!
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Sugar-sweetened soft drinks and cancer
We know that consuming too much sugar can lead to obesity. Drinking sugary drinks, such as soft drinks, can lead to increased abdominal fat and can increase your risk of type 2 diabetes, heart disease and cancer.
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Catch up with Associate Professor Brigid Lynch
Associate Professor Brigid Lynch is a Senior Researcher within the Cancer Epidemiology Division at Cancer Council Victoria. Brigid coordinates the Accelerometer Study within the ABC Study.
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Update: ABC Accelerometer Study
The ABC Accelerometer (ACM) Study aims to recruit approximately 4,000 of the 10,000 ABC Study participants who have provided a blood sample. Study participants wear two devices (waist-worn Actigraph® GT3X+ and thigh-worn activPALTM) for 7 consecutive days. Actigraphs are worn during waking hours, while activPALs are worn 24 hours a day.
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ABC Study to begin faecal sample collection
The human microbiome is the composition of microorganisms (e.g. bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites) and microbial products that inhabit the human body. Recent research interest has focussed on the gastrointestinal (gut) microbiome and its effects on health and disease, including cancer. The ABC Study will pilot faecal sample collection later this year.
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