Welcome to our 2023 Australian Breakthrough Cancer (ABC) Study newsletter. Thank you for your continued support. The ABC Study is a long-term cohort study that will help us gain a better understanding of the role that our genes, lifestyle and environment play in the development of cancer and other diseases.
Lifestyle habits and experiences change over time, and it is important that we capture these changes via our online study questionnaires. We thank you for your participation - the study would not be possible without you!
In this newsletter, we will update you on the progress of the study, introduce you to a new member of the ABC Study team, inform you about how we keep your data safe, and ask you if you would like to help us to improve our website.

Update on the Australian Breakthrough Cancer (ABC) Study
Cohort studies take time, particularly when looking at cancer as an outcome. It will be several years before the ABC Study has collected enough data to begin analysing outcomes, but here we provide a snapshot about the characteristics of ABC Study participants and what we have collected from them so far.
Read more about the ABC study

Introducing Melanie Evans
Melanie Evans started in March 2023 as the new Unit Leader, Research Coordination within the Cancer Epidemiology Division at Cancer Council Victoria. In this role, she oversees all activities performed by the ABC Study including setting priorities, resource allocation, and supporting the systems and processes around the collection of data and biospecimens.
Learn more about Melanie

Privacy and security
Ensuring the privacy and security of your data is extremely important to us. Cancer Council Victoria has a number of measures in place to keep your data secure.
Read more about Privacy and security

ABC Study Website – We would like your help.
We are updating the ABC Study website and are looking for volunteers to help us deliver the best experience possible for ABC Study participants. If you would like to help us, please email us at info@abcstudy.com.au with the subject line: ABC Study Website – I would like to help!

Have you changed contact details?
We rely on you to let us know if your contact details change, so we can stay in touch.
Please use this form to submit new details.
Update now
If you prefer, you can contact us by phone on 1800 688 419 or email us (info@abcstudy.com.au) to change your details. Please be sure to include your full name and date of birth, so we know we are updating this information for the correct person.

Cancer Council Victoria collects your personal information from you to keep you informed about the ABC Study. You are receiving this email because you have signed up to receive the ABC study newsletter. If you no longer wish to receive these emails you may unsubscribe at any time by calling 1800 688 419 or by sending an email. Our Privacy Policy available from www.abcstudy.com.au/home/siteinfo/privacy provides further information on how we handle personal information, including your privacy rights, how you can request access to, or a correction of, your personal information, how to make a privacy complaint and how we deal with complaints.
Please send your comments about this email to info@abcstudy.com.au